


I risultati delle elezioni europee del 26 maggio 2019 a Genova seguono il trend generale già emerso in molte altre città italiane. Osserviamo dunque la Tabella 1 per avere un’immagine dettagliata dei voti in termini assoluti e percentuali ottenuti dai vari partiti nel capoluogo ligure, durante le elezioni europee del 2014, le politiche del 2018 e le europee dello scorso 26 maggio. Alcuni dati saltano subito all’occhio. Innanzitutto, emerge la crescita al 30% (77.044 elettori in valore assoluto) del Partito Democratico, in termini di consensi elettorali raggiunti, rispetto alle politiche del 2018 dove aveva raccolto 66.523 voti (il 22%), risultando essere...

According to the spontaneous reactions from the parties’ wakes during the Swedish election night May 26, all parties were winners. The parties that lost support did not lose as much as they had feared, and among the parties that gained, celebration was loud and joyful. The only exception was the small Feminist Initiative that lost the single seat they won in 2014. Background The European Parliament election 2019 took place less than a year after the national election in September 2018, which led to the most prolonged government negotiations in Swedish history. Not until January 2019 did the Social Democrats and...