


di Enrique Hernández e Marta Fraile Una volta di più e come d’abitudine oramai in Spagna (si veda ad esempio Font e Torcal, 2012) i principali messaggi e discorsi della campagna elettorale per le europee sono stati fatti seguendo un’ottica nazionale e non europea. Le elezioni sono cadute in un momento in cui il partito al governo (il Partito Popolare, PP, di ideologia conservatrice) si trova oltre la metà del mandato e dopo una serie di decisioni politiche conflittuali e in un clima di stanchezza e disillusione verso i partiti politici tradizionali senza precedenti in Spagna. La campagna Il tema più rilevante...

Introduction The elections for the European Parliament in Finland took place in the aftermath of the national parliamentary elections that took place on 14 April 2019. In this election, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) with 17.7% of the votes narrowly edged out the right-wing populist Finns party (PS) with 17.5% in second and the conservative National Coalition Party (KOK) in third with 17.0% of the votes. Consequently, the election campaign for the EP elections was rather short. The debate centred on the possible success of the Eurosceptic PS, since the party was expected to ride on the wave of Eurosceptic parties...

Traduzione di Irene Fratellini. Contesto Le elezioni per il Parlamento Europeo in Estonia nell’anno corrente si sono svolte in un clima politico piuttosto acceso che ha prevalso all'indomani delle elezioni generali tenutesi appena tre mesi prima. In un "notevole fallimento della politica tradizionale" (Walker, 2019), due partiti liberali, Riforma e Centro (entrambi membri del gruppo ALDE al PE), non sono riusciti a collaborare con successo al processo di formazione del governo. Dopo aver respinto l'invito del Partito Riformatore ad avviare le trattative di coalizione, il Partito di Centro in carica ha formato una coalizione con due partiti di destra, tra cui...

The eighth Spanish European Parliament Election (EPE) marked the end of an electoral cycle that began one month before (on April 26th, 2019) with the General Election in which the incumbent Socialist Party (PSOE) won a plurality of seats. However, at the time of the EPE a parliamentary agreement to elect a new national government had not been reached yet, since most parties were eager to postpone this decision until after the election. On top of that, during the EPE campaign Catalan politicians who had organized an independence referendum on October 2017 and ran as candidates in the General...

European parliament (EP) election in Lithuania was overshadowed by the competitive direct presidential election. Three main contenders were close in the polls during the preceding months. The second round between two frontrunners Ingrida Šimonytė and Gitanas Nausėda was held two weeks after the first one, simultaneously with the voting for EP. Overlap of two elections raised the otherwise (potentially) low turnout in EP election (53.1 per cent of Lithuanians voted), but it also meant that less attention was given to EP campaign by the main political parties. Context and campaign European parliament elections in Lithuania quite closely conform to the second-order...