


Chiaramonte A., D'Alimonte R. (a cura di), Il maggioritario regionale. Le elezioni del 16 aprile 2000, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001. ISBN 978-88-15-07906-0 Le elezioni regionali del 2000 hanno rappresentato un'importante occasione di verifica dei rapporti di forza tra gli schieramenti politici italiani e delle loro strategie di coalizione. Anzi, a giudicare dai toni della campagna elettorale e da come si sono esposti i leader di maggioranza e opposizione, sono state una sorta di prova generale delle elezioni politiche nazionali. Le dimissioni di D'Alema ne sono la testimonianza più evidente. Ma nella prospettiva della transizione italiana queste elezioni hanno offerto più conferme che smentite....

Segnalazione bibliografica. European Journal of Political Research (May 2011), 50: 365–394 Autori: Mark Andreas Kayser, Christopher Wlezien Abstract Numerous studies have demonstrated a weakening identification of voters with political parties in Western Europe over the last three decades. It is argued here that the growing proportion of voters with weak or no party affinities has strong implications for economic voting. (mgtrailer.com) When the proportion of voters with partisan affinities is low, the effect of economic performance on election outcomes is strong; when partisans proliferate, economic conditions matter less. Employing Eurobarometer data for eight European countries from 1976 to 1992, this inverse association between...

Kriesi, H. (2013). Hans Daalder, State formation, parties and democracy: Studies in comparative European politics, reviewed by Hanspeter Kriesi. Party Politics, 19(2), 365–367. http://doi.org/10.1177/1354068812472763 Vai al sito web

Per citare l'articolo: Emanuele, V. and Chiaramonte, A. (2020), 'Going out of the ordinary. The de-institutionalization of the Italian party system in comparative perspective', Contemporary Italian Politics, https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2020.1711608. Scarica l'articolo qui ABSTRACT Since 2013, the Italian party system has been in turmoil as the old bipolar structure has been swept away by the emergence of new competitors and skyrocketing voter volatility. Instead of being characterized by stabilization, the 2018 general election continued to show turmoil, with a substantial shift in the balance of power...

Per citare l'articolo: Brader, T., De Sio, L., Paparo, A. and Tucker, J.A. (2020), “Where You Lead, I Will Follow”: Partisan Cueing on High‐Salience Issues in a Turbulent Multiparty System. Political Psychology. doi:10.1111/pops.12651 Scarica l'articolo qui. Abstract: The ability of parties to not only reflect, but actually shape, citizens' preferences on policy issues has been long debated, as it corresponds to a fundamental prediction of classic party identification theory. While most research draws on data from the United States or...