


The third Eurozone economy and one of the six founders of the EEC (the direct ancestor of the European Union) in 1957, Italy is experiencing in recent years a season of political instability and uncertainty, especially after the crisis of Silvio Berlusconi’s leadership in the centre-right camp. A situation which has not improved after the results of the general election held in February 2013, whose overall outcome can be described as a dangerous stalemate. A new, anti-establishment party (the 5-Star Movement led by comedian Beppe Grillo) becoming the largest party with 25,6% of votes; the absence of any cohesive political majority in the Senate (whose vote of confidence is required); the installation of a government based on an oversized, hardly manageable political majority, led by Enrico Letta. How did all this happen? What are the political and the institutional factors that produced this outcome? What is the size and scope of the success of Beppe Grillo? Where are his votes coming from? Who paid the “cost of government” for the previous legislature? What are the likely scenarios for the future? First answers to such questions are presented in this book, which collects revised versions of short research notes published in Italian on the CISE website between February and April 2013, along with additional material published in Italian and English by CISE scholars on the Italian and international media. The goal of this book is to provide – in a timely fashion – a set of fresh, short analyses, able to provide a non-technical audience (including journalists, practitioners of politics, and everyone interested in Italian politics) with information and data about Italian electoral politics. Even electoral scholars will find interesting information, able to stimulate the construction of more structured research hypotheses to be tested in more depth. Too often international commentators portray Italian politics in a superficial fashion, without the support of fresh data and a proper understanding of the deeper processes involved. With this book, in spite of its limited scope, we hope to contribute to filling this gap.

A multidisciplinary seminar series for empirical research on democratic representation The CISE (Italian Center for Electoral Studies) has set up a new series of weekly seminars. After the first, experimental series of seminars held in Autumn 2018, the new series will run from February to June 2019. The CISE seminars were born from: the need and interest of the CISE to establish a practice of open discussion for the work in progress of its researchers; the aim to establish and consolidate a network of scientific interaction relating the CISE within the LUISS research community (both in the Department of Political Science and in other departments)...

Nicola Maggini Young People’s Voting Behaviour in Europe. A Comparative Perspective Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016 ISBN: 978-1-137-59243-9 (online)  978-1-137-59242-2 (print) DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-59243-9 Abstract: This book uses various concepts of ‘age’ to examine young people’s voting behaviour in six European countries between 1981 and 2000. It addresses questions such as: what are the determinants of voting choices among young people, and to what extent are these factors different from those of adults? Through an innovative approach aimed at studying party choice with a strong empirical orientation, the author argues that age is less important in influencing voting choices than having been young and socialized to...

È online il tredicesimo Dossier CISE, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Luiss University Press e dedicato alla tornata ordinaria di elezioni amministrative del 2019. Il Dossier è curato da Aldo Paparo ed è scaricabile gratuitamente tramite questo link. Il 2019 è stato per l’Italia un anno denso di appuntamenti elettorali. Il 26 maggio, infatti, gli elettori sono stati chiamati alle urne per il rinnovo del Parlamento Europeo (a cui il CISE ha dedicato molteplici approfondimenti contenuti nel volume originale edito da Lorenzo De Sio, Mark Franklin e Luana Russo) e per il rinnovo di...

De Sio, L., & Floridia, A. (2011). Conclusioni. Una tradizione politica territoriale? In L. De Sio (Ed.), La politica cambia, i valori restano? Una ricerca sulla cultura politica dei cittadini toscani (pp. 167–176). Firenze: Firenze University Pr...