


This study addresses the dynamics of the issue space in multiparty systems by examining to what extent, and under what conditions, parties respond to the issue ownership of other parties on the green issue. To understand why some issues become part and parcel of the political agenda in multiparty systems, it is crucial not only to examine the strategies of issue entrepreneurs, but also the responses of other parties. It is argued that the extent to which other parties respond to, rather than ignore, the issue mobilisation of green parties depends on two factors: how much of an electoral threat the green party poses to a specific party; and the extent to which the political and economic context makes the green issue a potential vote winner. To analyse the evolution of the green issue, a time-series cross-section analysis is conducted using data from the Comparative Manifestos Project for 19 West European countries from 1980–2010. The findings have important implications for understanding issue evolution in multiparty systems and how and why the dynamics of party competition on the green issue vary across time and space.

Two new studies challenge the prevailing consensus that proportional representation (PR) systems produce greater ideological congruence between governments and their citizens than majoritarian ones. This has led to what has become known as the ‘ideological congruence controversy’. G. Bingham Powell claims to resolve this controversy in favour of PR systems. Specifically, he argues that the results from the two new studies are based on an anomalous decade and that PR systems generally do produce greater government congruence. In addition, he also asserts that PR systems exhibit less variability in government congruence. In this article, the empirical evidence for these two claims is re-evaluated using exactly the same data as employed by Powell. The analysis indicates that although PR systems produce better and more consistent representation in the legislature, they do not hold an advantage when it comes to representation at the governmental level.

De Sio, L. (2007). Movimento elettorale e voto diviso nelle elezioni politiche del 2006 in Toscana. Quaderni dell’Osservatorio Elettorale, (58), 7–40.

La rinascita del centrodestra? Le elezioni comunali 2017 a cura di Aldo Paparo L’avanzata del centrodestra, che, presentatosi quasi sempre in formazione compatta, è passato dall’amministrare la metà dei comuni del centrosinistra, ad averne conquistati oggi lo stesso numero. La crisi del Pd, che seppur ancora primo partito, e anche prima coalizione con i propri alleati nei diversi comuni, non riesce nei ballottaggi ad attrarre alcun voto al di fuori del proprio elettorato, finendo per perdere un terzo delle proprie amministrazioni. La battuta d’arresto del M5s, che cresce in voti raccolti e comuni vinti, ma grazie alla maggiore presenza sulle schede rispetto...

È online il tredicesimo Dossier CISE, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Luiss University Press e dedicato alla tornata ordinaria di elezioni amministrative del 2019. Il Dossier è curato da Aldo Paparo ed è scaricabile gratuitamente tramite questo link. Il 2019 è stato per l’Italia un anno denso di appuntamenti elettorali. Il 26 maggio, infatti, gli elettori sono stati chiamati alle urne per il rinnovo del Parlamento Europeo (a cui il CISE ha dedicato molteplici approfondimenti contenuti nel volume originale edito da Lorenzo De Sio, Mark Franklin e Luana Russo) e per il rinnovo di...