Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Aldo Paparo, Challenger’s delight: The results of the 2018 Italian general election, Italian Political Science, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 63–81. ABSTRACT The results of the 2018 general election were shocking. Although the main competitors were the same as in 2013 (the centre-right coalition, the centre-left coalition, and the Movimento 5 Stelle), great uncertainty sur-rounded the electoral outcome because of the application of a new electoral system, and polls data indicating the competitiveness of the multiple political formations and the high number of undecided voters. For the first time in Western European history, a successful debutant managed not to lose votes in...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2008). Due coalizioni, troppi partiti: le regioni fra bipolarismo e frammentazione. AMMINISTRAZIONE CIVILE, 3, 39–49.

CHIARAMONTE, A. C. A., & Sio, L. D. (2014). Premessa. In A. Chiaramonte & L. D. Sio (Eds.), Terremoto elettorale. Le elezioni politiche del 2013 (pp. 7–14). BOLOGNA: Il Mulino.

To cite the article: Ladini, R., and Maggini, N. (2022), The role of party preferences in explaining acceptance of freedom restrictions in a pandemic context: the Italian case, Quality & Quantity, Online first, DOI: 10.1007/s11135-022-01436-3. The article is open access and can be accessed here. Abstract As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, several governments adopted disease containment measures limiting individual freedom, especially freedom of movement. Our contribution aims at studying the role played by party preferences in...

D’ALIMONTE, R. D. R. (2008). La riforma del voto europeo è un’occasione per consolidare il “bipolarismo moderato.” AMMINISTRAZIONE CIVILE, 4-5, 112–121.