Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Per citare l'articolo: Carolina Plescia, Sylvia Kritzinger & Lorenzo De Sio (2019) "Filling the Void? Political Responsiveness of Populist Parties", Representation, 55:4, 513-533, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2019.1635197 Scarica l'articolo qui. Abstract: This paper examines the responsiveness of populist parties to the salience of issues amongst the public focusing on a large number of issues on which parties campaign during elections. The paper investigates both left- and right-wing populist parties comparatively in three countries, namely Austria, Germany and Italy. We find that while populist parties carry out an...

To cite the article:Trastulli, F. (2022). Two is Better than One? Testing a Deductive MARPOR-based Left-Right Index on Western Europe (1999-2019). Italian Journal of Electoral Studies QOE – IJES, Just Accepted. The article is open access and can be accessed here. Abstract Most of the existing indexes measuring parties’ left-right positions through Manifesto Project (MARPOR) data, including the ‘RILE’, share a partially or fully inductive nature and an underlying assumption of left-right unidimensionality. However,...

To cite the article: Trastulli, F., & Mastroianni, L. (2023). What's new under the sun? A corpus linguistic analysis of the 2022 Italian election campaign themes in party manifestos. Modern Italy, doi: 10.1017/mit.2023.45. The article, published on Modern Italy, can be accessed here. Abstract In this article, we introduce an innovative approach to examining campaign themes in Italy, by performing an original corpus linguistic analysis of the party manifestos related to the crucial 2022 election. Through its systematicity and flexibility, our approach allows us to gauge...

To cite the article: Marco Improta (2023): A Crowded Room? The Destabilising Effect of Oversized Coalitions on Cabinet Survival in Southern Europe, Mediterranean Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2023.2170033 The article, published on Mediterranean Politics, can be accessed here Abstract Political science has traditionally devoted considerable attention to the issue of cabinet survival in several political systems. This study contributes to this established research agenda by investigating the dynamics of cabinet survival in Southern Europe – a region where cabinets have recently been striving to remain in office...

To cite the article: Improta, M. (2023), 'Paralysed governments: How political constraints elicit cabinet termination', Parliamentary Affairs, DOI: The article, published on Parliamentary Affairs, can be accessed here. Abstract A crucial feature of the democratic life cycle, government stability, has prompted the interest of many scholars across the globe. As a result, research on this matter has established itself as one of the most developed agendas in comparative politics. However, despite the abundance of studies on the drivers of government stability, the ruling...