


Next Sunday German voters are called to the polls to elect the new members of the Bundestag. It will be the fourth legislative elections in an important UE country this year, following the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom. Unlike in the aforementioned cases, in Germany the electoral outcome appears to be quite certain. According to recent opinion polls, the CDU-CSU (the party led by Chancellor Merkel) should receive roughly 36% of votes, a 5-point decrease compared to the extraordinary result achieved in 2013. The SPD, led by Mr. Schultz, should get a little over 20%. Not enough to challenge Mrs....

(English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) So Macron and Le Pen get to the second round. An historical result that - as almost all commentators highlighted - excludes both socialists and the neo-Gaullist right, who had dominated the French political life for decades. However, what are the reasons and voting motivations behind this result? Where does Macron’s success come from? What about his cross-cutting appeal? What about Mélenchon’s exploit? Does it come from his controversial positions? Or is it a identification vote by the French left, disappointed with the Hamon candidacy? We can’t answer to these questions only by looking at the...

The decision by Theresa May to call a snap election has gone against her. Despite remaining the largest party in Westminster, the Conservatives have fallen short of an absolute majority of seats, and a hung Parliament is the outcome of this election. Jeremy Corbyn has brought the Labour Party to 40% of the votes, the largest result since 2001. In a context characterised by the highest turnout since 1997 (69%), a massive shift back towards a two-party system has occurred: the UKIP has collapsed, the SNP has stepped back, and the Liberal Democrats have not bounced back after the...

Pubblicato sul Sole 24 Ore del 30 Agosto 2017 In Sicilia si sta giocando in questi giorni una partita complicata. C’è una legge elettorale che assegna la presidenza della regione a chi ottiene un voto più degli altri. C’è un attore- il M5s- che da tempo ha scelto un candidato e da settimane sta facendo campagna elettorale battendo tutta l’isola alla maniera di Grillo 2012. C’è un centro-sinistra diviso con Mdp e Si che candidano Fava e il Pd che ha scelto Micari. Nel centro-destra si tratta ancora, ma pare che Berlusconi si sia rassegnato ad accettare la candidatura di...

Fig. 1 – Flussi elettorali a Pescara fra politiche 2018 (sinistra) e regionali 2019 (destra), percentuali sull’intero elettorato (clicca per ingrandire) Il diagramma di Sankey mostra in forma grafica le nostre stime dei flussi elettorali a Pescara. A sinistra sono riportati i bacini elettorali del 2018, a destra quelli del 2019. Le diverse bande, colorate in base al bacino 2018 di provenienza, mostrano le transizioni dai bacini delle politiche a quelli delle regionali. L’altezza di ciascuna banda, così come quella dei rettangoli dei diversi bacini elettorali all’estrema sinistra e destra, è proporzionale al relativo peso sul totale degli elettori.   Tab. 1 – Flussi...