


-. (2007). Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2006.

Per citare l’articolo: Cini, L., Colloca, P., Maggini, N., Tomassi, F., e Valbruzzi, M. (2021), Inchiesta su periferie urbane, disagio socioeconomico e voto. I casi di Bologna, Firenze e Roma. Quaderni di Scienza Politica, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 137-177. doi: 10.48271/101829 Scarica l’articolo qui Abstract The weakening of traditional parties and of their territorial rooting which has occurred over the last decades has brought back the scholarly interest on the local dynamics, namely, on the social and political transformations involving local areas. An increasing...

To cite the article: Trastulli, F., & Mastroianni, L. (2023). What's new under the sun? A corpus linguistic analysis of the 2022 Italian election campaign themes in party manifestos. Modern Italy, doi: 10.1017/mit.2023.45. The article, published on Modern Italy, can be accessed here. Abstract In this article, we introduce an innovative approach to examining campaign themes in Italy, by performing an original corpus linguistic analysis of the party manifestos related to the crucial 2022 election. Through its systematicity and flexibility, our approach allows us to gauge...

De Sio, L. (2008). Il secondo motore del cambiamento: i flussi di voto. In Itanes (Ed.), Il ritorno di Berlusconi. Le elezioni politiche 2008 (pp. 57–70). Bologna: Il Mulino.

Segnalazione bibliografica. Autori: David N. Hopmann, Christian Elmelund-Præstekær, Erik Albæk, Rens Vliegenthart, Claes H. de Vreese Party Politics March 2012 vol. 18 no. 2 173-191 Abstract Political parties have substantial influence on which issues the news media cover during election campaigns, while the media have limited influence on party agendas. However, we know little about why some parties are more successful than others in passing the media’s gates and being covered on sponsored issues. On the basis of content analyses of election news coverage (812 news stories) and press releases published by political parties (N = 334) during the 2007 national election campaign in...