


To cite the article: Marco Improta, Unpacking government instability. Cabinet duration, innovation, and termination events in Italy between 1948 and 2021, in "Quaderni di scienza politica" 2/2022, pp. 151-180, doi: 10.48271/104790 The article, published on Quaderni di Scienza Politica, can be accessed here Abstract Government instability is widely recognised as a distinctive feature of the Italian political system. This topic has traditionally received considerable scholarly attention. In particular, an established body of research has demonstrated that Italian cabinets are among the most short-lived in...

Although political scandals receive unprecedented attention in the contemporary media, the knowledge of political scientists regarding the consequences of such scandals remains limited. On the basis of two nationally representative survey experiments, we investigate whether the impact of scandals depends on the traits of the politicians involved. We find substantial evidence that politicians are particularly punished for political-ideological hypocrisy, while there is less evidence that gender stereotypes matter. We also show that voters evaluate scandals in the personal lives of politicians in a highly partisan manner – other-party voters punish a politician substantially harsher than same-party voters. Interestingly, voters show no gender bias in their candidate evaluations.

Nell’intervista a Luiss Open del 7 Ottobre 2019, Vincenzo Emanuele presenta i risultati di un recente articolo pubblicato su Government and Opposition e scritto in collaborazione con Alessandro Chiaramonte e Sorina Soare. Riportiamo di seguito il testo integrale dell’intervista. Professor Emanuele, based on your experience, what are the competences that must belong to a researcher interested in political party systems? The fundamental feature is flexibility, from two particular points of view. Firstly, “flexibility” in terms of a great international openness: it is necessary to gain experience abroad, to avail of even short periods visiting other universities that deal with issues close to...

Segnalazione bibliografica. American Political Science Review 01 August 2011 105: 516-529 Autore: Jérôme Mathis Abstract In committee deliberation, requiring a unanimous vote intuitively provides the strongest incentives for actors to share fully their opinions and private information. It is also believed that full revelation of (decision-relevant) information occurs when personal biases are made clear before deliberation. However, recent literature suggests that both intuitions are flawed. Austen-Smith and Feddersen propose a model in which the unanimity rule performs worse than other rules in promoting fully revealing deliberation, and uncertainty about individuals' preferences promotes full sharing of information. We extend this work by incorporating the possibility...

Per citare l’articolo: Chiaramonte, A., De Sio, L. and Emanuele, V. (2020), ‘Salvini’s success and the collapse of the Five-star Movement: The European elections of 2019', Contemporary Italian Politics, DOI:10.1080/23248823.2020.1743475. Scarica l’articolo qui ABSTRACT The European Parliament elections of 2019 in Italy can be considered as a crucial turning point for the national political system. Indeed, both the balance of power among parties and the governmental dynamics were deeply affected by the outcome of the 2019 elections. In a context of notable electoral instability, an almost perfect turnaround...