


The 2012 municipal election in Palermo produced an unexpected outcome. In the Sicilian city - for a long time a conservative stronghold - the center-right candidate, Massimo Costa did not succeed to reach the second ballot and the election was won by the former Major Leoluca Orlando, supported by a radical left coalition. Orlando prevailed with a sensational 72% of the vote share against the winner of the center-left primary elections, Fabrizio Ferrandelli. What happened in the 2012 Palermo municipal election? Does the Sicilian capital moved suddenly toward the left? Which factors fostered this sharp and unpredictable electoral change that altered the long-time-established political landscape of the City? To answer these questions, the article analyzes the results of the 2012 municipal election in Palermo through an electoral geography approach and the use of a quantitative methodology with ecological data. In particular, the article makes use of both the territorial study of turnout and election results and the voting ecological estimates generated with the traditional Goodman model. The empirical analysis shows that this election was strongly influenced by factors linked to the local context more than by authentically political ones. In other words, Palermo did not move toward the left. Moreover, the internal electoral segmentation of the City between central and peripheral neighborhoods persisted as the main determinant of the vote choice.

Sei importanti paesi al voto tra 2017 e 2018, 40 partiti, ma soprattutto due anni e mezzo di lavoro da parte di 21 studiosi da 13 diverse università europee e americane, coordinati dal CISE in un progetto diretto da Lorenzo De Sio. Sono questi i numeri dell'Issue Competition Comparative Project: un progetto che ha mostrato come, in un contesto sempre più post-ideologico, la competizione partitica vada ormai letta in termini di posizioni e credibilità su specifici temi d'attualità e di policy. E' questa l'impostazione di fondo che ha ispirato il disegno generale di questa...

Lorenzo De Sio, Mark N. Franklin, Till Weber, The risks and opportunities of Europe: How issue yield explains (non-)reactions to the financial crisis, Electoral Studies, Volume 44, December 2016, Pages 483-491, ISSN 0261-379 Lorenzo De Sio, interviewed by Andrea Maccagno (English translation by Elisabetta Mannoni) This paper analyzes how parties in different European countries employed (or decided not to employ) such a controversial topic as European integration in their electoral strategies. How did this article come about and which was the research question behind it? The paper is the application of a model I have been working at during the last few years. It’s...

To cite the article: Ladini, R., and Maggini, N. (2022), The role of party preferences in explaining acceptance of freedom restrictions in a pandemic context: the Italian case, Quality & Quantity, Online first, DOI: 10.1007/s11135-022-01436-3. The article is open access and can be accessed here. Abstract As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, several governments adopted disease containment measures limiting individual freedom, especially freedom of movement. Our contribution aims at studying the role played by party preferences in...