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Volumi pubblicati

Emanuele, V. (2018), ‘Cleavages, institutions, and competition. Understanding vote nationalization in Western Europe (1965-2015)’, London: Rowman and Littlefield/ECPR Press. ISBN: 9781786606730   The study of how party systems are structured across territorial lines is a crucial research question for political scientists, whose answer is fraught with consequences for the political system and the democratic process. This book addresses this topic, asking: What has been the evolution of the vote nationalisation process in Western Europe during the last fifty years? Which factors can account for the vote nationalisation’s variance across Western European party system? Through a macro-comparative perspective and original empirical research, involving 230 parliamentary elections in sixteen...

Authors Alessandro Chiaramonte is Full Professor of Political Science at the University of Florence, Italy.Vincenzo Emanuele is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, Italy. Endorsements “Despite the many studies on the crises of Western European party systems over the past three decades, few are theoretically novel and even fewer are characterized by relevant empirical assessments. This groundbreaking book is indeed one of them. Chiaramonte and Emanuele offer an encompassing account of the evolution of party systems in Western Europe, an excellent discussion...

A new book edited by Lorenzo De Sio and Romain Lachat has been just published by Routledge; information is available here. The book presents the results of the Issue Competition Comparative Project (ICCP) (data and documentation is openly accessible and available free of charge through the ICCP and GESIS websites), which analysed six elections in six important European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and UK) between 2017 and 2018 through a focus on post-ideological issue competition, leveraging a fresh theoretical perspective – and innovative data collection and analysis methods – emerging from issue yield theory. The contributors to this volume cast...

La notizia testimonia come sta cambiando il mondo della ricerca e i modelli di pubblicazione: molte case editrici universitarie stanno optando sempre più per rendere disponibili i propri prodotti di ricerca in Open Access, ovvero ad accesso libero e gratuito in forma elettronica (politica da tempo adottata dal CISE per i suoi Dossier divulgativi). Tra queste la Firenze University Press, che - nel suo programma di conversione ad Open Access di molti volumi di ricerca - ha ripubblicato ad accesso libero pochi giorni fa un volume nato nel CISE e pubblicato nel 2011: La politica cambia, i...

A. Chiaramonte, L. De Sio (a cura di) Un polo solo. Le elezioni politiche del 2022 Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024 pp. 380 ISBN 978-88-15-38818-6 È disponibile in libreria "Un polo solo", l' ottavo volume della serie, dedicata alle elezioni politiche, iniziata dai ricercatori CISE a partire dall'elezione del 1994. Un approfondito studio delle elezioni politiche del settembre 2022, ricco di dati e analisi originali, di un gruppo di ricercatori riunito su iniziativa del Centro Italiano di Studi...